Get Your Kicks – Footee Golf
It’s a whole new ballgame
For non golfers our Fottee Course runs alongside our normal par 3 course.
Bring your own footballs or hire one for €2.
Adult / child €8
Family of 4 €29
- Max 4 players per group
- No football boots allowed
- Golfers have the right of way at all times
- Ball cannot be kicked from hands
- Ball can be played across the greens
- Ball cannot be kicked from the green
- Free drop applies but not closer to the footee hole
- You may call a “mark” on your ball once it has stopped moving
- Rolling the ball with the base of your foot is allowed
- Avoid slow play
- Out of Bounds rules apply
- All rented balls must be returned to the clubhouse
- Management reserve the right of admission
- Enjoy yourselves while observing the rules